Mr. Mark Rounds
Cal-State University San Marcos
College of Education
333 S. Twin Oaks Valley Road
San Marcos, CA 92096
Dear Mr. Rounds:
My name is Eric Shirley and I am a student in your EDUC-422A class. I am embarking on a second career as a teacher after spending 25 years in the business world. I am currently enrolled in the Multiple Subject credentialing program at CSUSM. I graduated from Escondido High School many moons ago. The epitome of technology in the classroom during my high school days was the use of an electronic typewriter. Over the years, I have witnessed firsthand the evolution of the digital age.
My technology experience is fairly extensive. I have been using computers and associated peripheral equipment for over 20 years now. My first computer was an Apple IIe with a dot-matrix printer. One of my first formal courses in computers was learning to program in BASIC. Since then, I have become proficient in a number of software programs and operating systems. I have transitioned from DOS, to Windows, Windows 95, and finally to Windows XP. I am also proficient with Mac OS X and the wonderful array of Apple’s iLife 06’ programs. I have been a Microsoft Office user since its inception. I originally was a Word Perfect and Lotus 123 user until the Office package came along and became the unofficial standard of the business world. I am certified in Macola’s accounting software, as well as its accompanied eSynergy contact management software system. Both programs operate using a Sequel database, which I can run queries and reports from. When questioned about my operating system preference, my response is usually “what programs are you running?” For educational purposes and classroom integration, I prefer the Mac platform. The iLife programs are amazing and simple to use. The way they all interact with one another is a big plus. For business applications, Windows is my preferred choice, only because most large business software programs are Windows-based. I have a Windows XP operating system on my laptop, and an Apple iMac on my desk.
My wife, Kathy, is the Director of Education Technology for Escondido Union School District. She is also an Apple Distinguished Educator and co-founder of the San Diego County Office of Education’s IVIE awards. She is an educational consultant for Apple Inc. and visits Apple headquarters bimonthly for presentations to other school districts or to assist in projects. She recently finished co-authoring an Apple podcasting guide for education that will be published shortly. Education technology is one of the primary conversations in our home.
My decision to attend Cal-State San Marcos was influenced by logistics. I live less than two miles from campus. The College of Education’s mission statement is hard to disagree with. I am a firm believer of student-centered education, which technology must play a large role. I am also a proponent of public education and am committed to education equality for all individuals. Professionalism and life-long learning have, and always will be, something I strive for. I look forward to taking your course. I hope I can learn something valuable to incorporate in my classroom in the future.
Eric Shirley
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